Saturday, January 17, 2009


Prayer is not just something we do. Prayer is a mindset, an attitude, an atmosphere we create. As we learn to cultivate the presence of God, walking moment-by-moment with a conscious awareness that we have a friend who sticks closer than a brother, a counselor who is always near, a teacher who is always speaking, every waking hour becomes a prayer.
It's been aptly said, "When we work, we work. But when we pray, God works." A discerning woman knows when to cease from human labors and fold her eager hands in prayer.

The purpose of prayer is to bring heaven's power to bear upon earth's circumstances. We can literally invite heaven to invade earth, declaring to God the Father, Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Then prayer becomes the bridge that links heaven and earth. But we must listen to those promptings.

As you spend time in prayer, each morning and throughout the day, take time to listen. If you have your notebook handy, write down what you sense God is saying and focus your prayer effort accordingly. Too many of us have a one-sided approach to prayer. Our total focus is upon what we want to say to God. Let your prayers become a two-way conversation and see what a difference it makes. Prayer can be the ultimate adventure. Or it can be nothing more than a glorified gripe session. The second approach will do you no earthly good; the first will bring down the power of God. Which do you prefer?

We can't solve all our problems without the intervention and revelation of God's power in our life situations. Our lives come from God and He wants to help us through everything! God's word is his power and our prayers invitite his power into our personal situation. God has revealed to me my mistakes and given me encouragement when I am under satan's fire. I can't live without that!! Invite God into your situation today!

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