Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Its been a while..

Sorry it's been a while since I have blogged. I have been spending more time with my family than on the computer lately. They have needed it. I have picked up another day of work during the week so I can have Saturday's off now that Derek is playing basketball.

I have really enjoyed the Upwards basketball program at First Alliance Church. They focus on skill, but also on growth of christian character. The five year olds practice skill for the first 30 min and then they have a 5 minute bible story time. Then they scrimmage the other 5 years olds for the last 25 minutes. It is fun to watch them develop skill and be able to throw that big heavy ball all the way up to the basket!! I have to hold back my "pointers" sometimes and just let him learn! He is catching on fast and actually scored 2 points last week! Go Derek!

Kira has almost mastered a back handspring on the trampoline. She claims gymnastics as her sport. Writing and drawing are the next best things in her life.

We had a great Saturday out on the ice on the peninsula. The family had fun sliding around and plowing into each other on the ice. Kira brought a friend and had a blast! They were soaked and freezing after a half hour, but they said it was worth it!

Just a little update and all is well here. I am soo glad to see mostly grass outside and looking forward to temps in the 60's tomorrow!! YEA! The yard will be clean, but I am sure that the snow piled on the sides of the road will take a while to melt.

Coming soon a Valentines day tribute...

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