Wednesday, November 12, 2008

When God calls...

I am so glad God doesn't have a bad day. He doesn't forget things. He is not indecisive on what to do next. He always knows what to do in every situation and He has all the answers!

Hugh and I have been led to a new church this past summer somewhat kicking and screaming. Since the journey began, we have wondered what God was doing next in our lives. We tried a few churches and have been led to stay at Millcreek Community Church for now.

This past Sunday, Hugh wasn't feeling up to par, so I took the kids to Awanas and was going to the bookstore to kill time for and hour. After I dropped the kids off, I was pulled to go back home and get some laundry done instead and make sure Hugh was okay. So I went home and Hugh was up looking for something to eat, so I suggested we go have a bowl of soup at Panera. So we did and that was nice, then went to get the kids. We got there a little early and entered the church through a different door than usual and Hugh sees a 15 yr old boy with a hood on siting on a bench waiting for his mom. This boy did not want to participate in youth group that night for some reason.

Hugh said to me "God has and assignment for me, give me a few minitues" He LOVES this!! He eats this situation up!!! A troubled teen a little rough and confused looking!! That is his element! I left the room and started praying!!! Up to this point at this church, Hugh felt like he was on the bench in a softball game, knowing that if he would just get put in the game, he had a pitch that could strike out the next batter and win the game. He hasn't been plugged in to a ministry yet.

I went to get the kids in the other part of the church.

The kids and I made our way back to the narthex where Hugh was still talking with the boy.

Picture him sitting down talking ebonics with this kid laughing!!!! He got a background on the boy and built a relationship with him that the Holy Spirit was now allowing to happen. Hugh set a "date" with him next sunday to talk with him about his questions about God. His mother had been bringing him for 4 weeks now and finally her prayers were answered for a Godly man to talk to him about salvation.

I pray for this Sunday night when they meet again.

Hugh had a purpose, and was willing to jump at the chance to serve. He tried to stay home and watch the football game, of which the Steelers lost!! But God had a mission and He was GOING to make it happen. We don't have a choice when God calls. Serving Christ is the joy that fills our hearts with peace. Nothing else matters!


Anonymous said...

Loved reading about Hugh and his desire to follow God's prompting by helping people that maybe others don't want to help sometimes. Yeah Hugh! Can't say as I am too sad about your Steelers though. I watched that game ~ it was WONDERFUL! Go Colts!

Sharyn said...

Amy - one point loss! UGHHH! The Colts deserved to win after the way Pitts. played though.