Thursday, December 4, 2008

Snow and more snow!

We did get a little break from the snow. Most of it melted from the last blast. We are getting another blast tomorrow! This is more snow in November than I remember for a long time.

Busyness has set in around here. Shopping the sales, clipping coupons and racing for the kids perfect gifts!

Well it's official! Kira got her ears pierced last night and is so excited! She is cottonball happy!(they have to be cleaned with antiseptic 3 x's a day for 6 weeks) She wore her hair in a ponytail to show her new earrings off at school today. We wanted to wait until she could take care of them herself. She has deemed herself responsible! She looks so grown up! She is now waiting for a stocking full of earrings!

I finished my Beth Moore study this week and I am soooo blessed by the depth of her study and clarity in the way she brought God's message of worthiness to my heart! . He gave us perfection in heaven! Everyday we go through the process of being molded more like Him. As christians, we are his tabernacle! He gets things accomplished in our lives when we submit our selfishness to Him. He fulfills like nothing else can!

A little note about a prayer... Hugh was on his way in the snow fall to help a friend who got a flat tire when he spun out on the Interstate. Meanwhile. I had just finished helping Derek finish his homework when a went into Kira's room...she was sitting on her bed praying that Hugh would have a safe journey!!! I have never seen her pray like that on her own just because she cared! My heart wells up with joy that her prayer was answered and that she thought to pray on her own!! She is my special girl brought to me by the grace of God!

Have a wonderful day!

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