Thursday, November 20, 2008

Finally back up..

After a few days without a computer, we are finally up a running again. Apparently we had a trojan virus. Thanks to "Uncle Milty" ( Hugh's friend from work) we are back online! That is the reason I haven't blogged in a while.

I finished painting a countertop and backsplash today. Epoxy is rough stuff! I will have to take a lot of grapeseed now that this job is done!

Kira had a rough fall the other day practicing her backbends. She is almost there. She tried on her own without a mat and fell smack on the top of her head! She bit her tongue on contact so it looked alot worse than it was with blood in her mouth, her head and neck hurt too. We put ice on the neck and stopped the bleeding in her mouth and ten minutes later she was up to going to friend day at gymnastics! They bounce back so fast! I was nervous for a few hours after that and she was asking me "What's wrong mom?, Im fine!" Oh how I pray for their protection always and peace when accidents happen!

Winter has hit Erie!

We have been digging out of the snow yesterday and today and more is coming tonight! We have about 6 inches now. The good thing is the roads are fairly clear! This is the snowiest November we have had in a few years! The kids are loving the snow so far and have already spent hours sledriding! The next thing is tubing at "The PEAK"!

God Bless!

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